why you need a fish-feeding unity ceremony
you're helping to get those fish nice and chunky
I think a good attitude is the key to a good life. Looking on the bright side is a daily pastime of mine, and while I’m not immune to a bad day here and there, I do my best to maintain perspective and keep moving forward.
I’m an extrovert. People are my jam.
I love being around people of all ages. In what feels like a past life, I briefly taught preschool/kindergarten, and I have spent most of my professional life working with senior citizens, particularly those affected by dementia. My favorite thing about people is learning about them. Where did you grow up? What is your sister’s name? What would you take with you if you lived on a deserted, topical island? I want to know.
I was an indecisive art student.
To complete my degree, I was required to take classes in photography, painting, ceramics, printmaking, graphic design, metalworking, drawing, and art history. I loved so many of these art disciplines that I found it next to impossible for me to narrow it down to just one for my career. It dawned on me that I didn't have to. Thus, the idea for Kayza & Vine was born.
I am a people-pleaser extraordinaire.
 Don’t get me wrong, I’m no sucker, either, but I want people to LOVE the work I have done for them. My goal is to go above and beyond each and every time I begin a creative project. My drive to succeed is fueled by both wanting to impress my clients and wanting personal satisfaction of a job well-done.
I am the list queen.
When I was growing up, my mom tried desperately to instill her supreme level of organization into me. I lost everything, I never knew when assignments were due, and my backpack was a mess. I stubbornly rejected all her efforts, of course, as a teenage girl does. I don’t quite know when it happened, but I somehow, thankfully, ended up just like her. I guess I was listening, afterall. Organization makes me feel peaceful. Thanks, Mom!
Kayza & Vine Iowa Wedding Photographer Alicia Pette 2024 Couple Standing on Bridge in Japanese Gardens of Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Dubuque, IA
all your
creative needs
in one place
I own Kayza & Vine Creative Co. I love black olives, kombucha, and The Beatles. It's on my bucket list to own a vintage, orange Volkswagon microbus. I love anything classic, whether it be books, music, fashion, or movies. My art style (and my wardrobe) leans toward vintage revival with a modern flare.
I'm Alicia